Keep the Whole Family in the Loop with Cozi

There is no mystery about the fact that in today’s world we have so much to do that are days when we simply end up feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information that we have to process and remember. Stop torturing yourself and remember that you actually have some sort of a minicomputer in your pocket that can help you once again.

I am talking about none other than your precious Android phone and those amazing apps that can make your life so much easier. In fact, there is a host of personal assistant mobile apps out there to help us get our act together and Cozi is such an example.

Haven’t you heard of this app up to this point? It’s time to makes it easy to manage your family’s busy schedule. To be more precise, this is the perfect way to manage everyday life and keep the whole family in the loop with Cozi as it offers a shared calendar, shopping lists, to do lists, a recipe box, a journal, and more. And the best part is that the entire family shares one account that everyone can access using their own email address (as specified in Settings) and the shared family password.

For example, by using the calendar feature, you can input everyone’s appointments on your family‘s shared Cozi account and also set reminders so that no one misses a game or a doctor’s visit. Then, as I have told you from the start, the app also helps you create grocery shopping and to-do lists to keep you super-organized and have your to do items right there in your pocket to remind yourself or send them to a family member to remind them.

What about the amazing recipe box? This can help get tasty dinners on the table by searching and viewing recipes from anywhere – in your kitchen, on the road or at the store, adding new ingredients to shopping list with one click and keeping all your recipes in one single place in order to avoid any confusion.

Then, don’t forget about the app’s journal to share family photos and memories. I think that Cozi’s journal is designed especially for busy moms and dads, so it’s quick to keep all favorite memories thatyou don’t want to forget (another great app for keeping memories alive is Herloom, so enter here and learn how to Preserve Old Photos to your Android Smartphone).

As always, let me tell you that you can also choose to upgrade to the best of what Cozi has to offer for no more than $19.99 per year. To be more specific, Cozi also offers a premium ad-free version with additional features such as Birthday Tracker, mobile month view, Contacts (a shared address book), the possibility to change notifications or mobile app themes and not only! The choice is all yours and the first step is taking the free version from here.

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