Android 4.3 rolled out for Sprint Galaxy Nexus; have you received yet?
The Sprint version of the Galaxy Nexus last received an OTA update back in January, when the Android 4.2.1 firmware has been officially rolled out. Since then, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus has been stuck on the JB 4.2.1 software as there were no other OTA released. Now, while everyone is looking forward in getting the new Android 4.4, Sprint decided to update the Nexus with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean OS.
Well, considering that we are talking about a Nexus device, which is supposed to be the first handset to receive Google’s updates, this Android 4.3 OTA release is quite late. Because of that most of the Sprint Galaxy Nexus had already updated their handsets to Android 4.3 but with custom ROMs, which are unofficial ports of the stock firmware.
Anyway, if you want to update your Galaxy Nexus to official Android 4.3 from Sprint, then you should know that the platform has been rolled out. If you are on a custom ROM, or if your device is rooted, you won’t be able to receive the OTA release; in your case the update can be applied only manually – stay close as we will bring a suitable guide soon. Of course, if your Nexus is on stock Android OS, then you should go to “settings – > about phone – > system updates” and check for the new “GJ04” built number.

Android 4.3 for Sprint Samsung Galaxy Nexus
If the update isn’t there, don’t worry as the OTA is usually released gradually, in phases and random, so some users will receive the notification sooner that other. In most of the cases, the update should be available for all the Sprint Galaxy Nexus after two weeks since first day of launch – which by the way is today (Sprint made available the Android 4.3 firmware a few hours back).
Do tell us whether you have received the new OTA update on your Galaxy Nexus and also share your impressions about this release with us and with other users by using the comments field from below. We will assist you as soon as possible and also we will update you with news as soon as something fresh comes out.