Turn On Torch/Flashlight on Pixel 3

I still remember how Google introduced a flashlight toggle with Android 5.0 Lollipop and how pleased people were. At the same time, lucky OnePlus device owners enjoy a very simple process of turning on the flashlight.

They must only draw the letter V on the screen with their finger while it’s turned off and the issue will be solved. It comes a time when some light is needed and why not getting it directly from your phone?

There is no need to look for an actual flashlight or candle when you won a handset such as Pixel 3. I can assure you that it is incredibly easy to turn on the Torch/Flashlight.

Torch/Flashlight on Pixel 3: different ways to activate it

There’s no need for a separate app either, but all you have to do is to tap the button in Quick Settings. This will turn on your flash as a torch. Or even easier than that, you can say the magic words: “Ok Google, turn on torch/flashlight” and it will turn on right away.

However, if may you feel that talking to your phone is weird and I get it. You are probably not used to that just yet, but the idea of enjoying Google Assistant seems tempting enough, right? If so, you can give your commands to Assistant in writing. Just open it up and tap on the keyboard icon in the bottom left corner. Then, type in “Turn on the flashlight.” There’s nothing too complicated about that, right?

Other Options to Get some Light

In case you don’t like what your Pixel 3 smartphone has to offer (although I see no reason for that), let me tell you that there are other options for you. I am talking about a number of other apps that do the same thing.

If you want, you  can choose  Flashlight by Ruddy Roosterstrobes. This strobes light in a variety of patterns, including Morse Code, SOS, and other stuff. Or get the popular Flashlight HD and you won’t regret it. This one includes home screen widgets and multiple colors to choose from if you want to spice things up.

Well, I’ve never been a real dark fan, so I am glad that I have my Pixel device with me! And that just a little piece from what it can actually do!

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