145 Search results

For the term "offline".

Get Directions with Android Maps.me

Many of you cannot even think of an Android device without a data plan of any kind because most people check emails, connect to social websites and do much more through the network. But, you don’t need me to tell...

How to Use City Maps 2Go on Android

I know that things are not at all easy when you go abroad without a good roaming data plan. I am perfectly aware of the fact that you want to save money, but how would you use Android Maps when...

Enjoy Safe Navigation with Android CoPilot GPS

Are you thinking that it’s time to try out a navigation app other than Google Maps? This is one of the most popular Android navigation app and the fact that it gets updated all the time is a major bonus,...

How to Enjoy FluxCards, an amazing Android Flash Cards App

Learning a foreign language is a surprisingly rewarding experience as you get the chance to meet new people, interact with them, develop life-long friendships and achieve your goals. After all, you know that this is the key to transform your...

Top 3 Android GPS Apps to use on your device

You see, there are more and more people using their Android phones for driving directions. Android GPS apps are more sophisticated than ever and you can be sure of the fact that you get accurate maps, voice-prompted turn-by-turn directions, and...

Enjoy Navfree, a Great Free Android GPS App

If there’s already a smartphone in your pocket, then why not giving a try to some of those popular Android GPS apps that are waiting for their users? However, if you start digging through Google Play for GPS apps, let...