6438 Search results

For the term "app".

Record Voice Messages In Hands Free Mode on Whatsapp

Handling your Android handset while driving is one of the primary reasons for so many road mishaps all around the world. This is why the police of many countries is forbidding the use of phones while driving. I agree that...

Make OnePlus 5 camera less disappointing with OnePlus Camera M

Make OnePlus 5 camera less disappointing with OnePlus Camera M

People are often confused about cameras on OnePlus devices and they tend to complain about the quality of photos the OnePlus 5. The handset that I am telling you about offers excellent value for money, but to achieve that, the...

How to Install Android apps on Chromebook

You know that Google Play regularly outshines the App Store in total number of downloads and options, so there’s a world of possibilities out there, that’s for sure. What about all those crazy restrictions that make your life so much...

Learn to Unsend A Message on Whatsapp

You know how things work with these Whatsapp messaged; right after you hit send, you realize the terrible mistake that you made and you might think that there is no way to change things. I must contradict you on that!...

Turn Off App Auto Updates on your Essential PH-1

I still remember those times when Apple decided to add automatic app updates to iOS over three years ago, and had it enabled by default, so you wouldn’t have to manually open the App Store, and hit Update All regularly....

Efficiently Move Android Apps to an SD Card

There are still plenty of Android phones that come with a 4 or 8GB of storage, and you know that such a number isn’t really enough for lots of apps, high-resolution photos and videos, plus a music library. If you...