Discover The Best Android Food Apps available on Google Play
I bet that you simply love your Android smartphone as it is an active part of your daily life. Besides the usual talking and texting, the device is there to let you take amazing photos, exercise better and get organized, listen to your favorite music and find directions, not to mention the role that it can play when it comes to one of the biggest challenges that comes with your healthy eating goals.
You already know that most restaurants serve meals for pleasure and not for health benefits, so it’s up to you to discover the best choices out there.
As for eating at home, don’t you imagine that things are any easier, but let me assure you that there is a dedicated Android app ready to offer you all the help that you need.
Whether you are thinking of an app that can help you manage your diet, enjoy healthy food when you eat out, an app that gives you some professional help or one that can act as a guide, then you can get the most out of Android device by downloading some of these helpful apps.
Discover Best Android Food Apps:
Do you need help to manage your diet? Use Zipongo
I come up with this suggestion as long as Zipongo is an app resulted from the work of a Boston Medical Center doctor in partnership with the nonprofit Fitness Forward, being able to help you manage your diet by creating week-by-week meal plans and offering you healthy recipes tailored to your food preferences and allergy restrictions, as well as nutrition tips from Zipongo’s own registered dietitians.

Even more, this is your chance to save money by scoring deals on healthy foods at grocery stores near you as the app provides coupons and daily deals on health foods at local grocery stores to encourage you to change the way you shop now.
Zipongo can be downloaded by entering here.
Do you want to enjoy healthy food when you eat out? Try HealthyOut
Finding healthy plates is not an easy task these days, but this app is all about healthy eating and living choices. To be more precise, HealthyOut finds you dishes at local restaurants that match your diet or nutrition preferences and even lets you make meal modification suggestions.

So, you can use it if you’re looking for a meal a specific calorie range or one that adheres to your vegetarian restrictions and the list can continue. And the interface is very intuitive, so using it becomes natural.
HealthyOut is here available.
Are you looking for some professional help? Jamie’s 20 Minute Meals should be your choice
The British chef Jamie Oliver offers us an app that provides both the tools and inspiration to create great-tasting food in no time. Well, the app has it all: the necessary ingredients with interactive shopping lists, step-by-step instructions and even photos or detailed videos to help with basic kitchen skills, such as how to properly hold a knife.

Jamie’s 20 Minute Meals
Even more, it lets users to sift through recipes by ingredient or name and shaking your phone pulls up random meals, adding an element of spontaneity to your routine. Happy cooking!
Jamie’s 20 Minute Meals waits to be taken from here.
Do you need a guide? Then, you need Yelp
This app seems to be there since forever, but it’s still one of the most popular food apps available. The app lets you search for restaurants, places to eat or coffee shops according to food, location, or price, not to mention the customer reviews completed with a star rating out of five. Isn’t this enough? Like any guide, the app provides access to basic directions, contact information, business hours, as well as other useful information.

As for the reviews, most of them are pretty accurate, but like any service reliant on customer input, there are also big chances to find an unsatisfied customer even at the best restaurant in your area.
Head directly to the install page at this link.
Learn to Order Food from Google Search on Android
Rules are made to be broken, so once in a while you can do that too. Do you already have a favorite local restaurant and you don’t need any other suggestions? In case of not knowing it up to now, let me tell you that Google gives you the possibility to order food from your favorite local restaurants directly from their search results.

Learn to Order Food from Google Search on Android
The procedure is quite simple, so use the steps from this detailed procedure and enjoy your meal!
What do you think of this selection of the best food apps that you can use on Android? Did I miss any of your favorite choices? Tell me all about it in the comments area below.