John Garner

Use Sleep Hypnosis on your Android Device

You don’t need me to tell you that insufficient sleep is a disease of these days. If you suffer from chronic insomnia, then you need to see a physician to receive help, but for most of us, there are others...

Use Chat Helper for WhatsApp

Do you want to improve your chat experience in WhatsApp? Then, you should take in consideration this new simple Android app called Chat Helper which enhances the WhatsApp chat experience in a way you have never seen before. Created by...

Download and Play Limbo on Android

Don’t you tell me that you have never heard of Limbo. This is an amazing platform game created by Playdead and even though it has initially gained its popularity on the PC world, things are about to change. Limbo was...

Earn Money for Charities with Android Charity Miles

It doesn’t really matter if you are trying to lose weight, stay healthy, eat better or sleep better, work on your fitness, but in all these cases your should understand that the Android device that you own can be a...

Hide your Android Apps with Hide App

Do you need me to tell you the fact that there are apps that can help you if you want to hide almost anything on Android device? Do you want to hide some of the apps that you are using?...

Most Useful Photography Apps for Android

Do you want more from your phone’s camera? New Android apps are coming out all the time that add more and more functionality, so why not taking advantage of that? In fact, I think that all photographers have more options...