19 Search results

For the term "dictionary".

Customize Predictive Text on your Note 8

You know how things work these days. When you want to text and send messages fast, the predictive text is a feature that seems ideal for that. You have the chance to indicate the possible words you could be typing...

Turn off Predictive Text on Android

As you know, Predictive text is the function that suggests words to you as you type. To be more precise, you may have noticed that a predictive text area that suggests words as you type is added when using the keyboard...

Download LG G6 Apps APK

In case of being a developer or an Android user who’s not afraid of experiencing more and more on his device, you might be fascinated by the idea of porting the new G6 apps to other devices, so I bet...

WolframAlpha Answers your Questions

Students are no longer tethered to textbooks, teachers embrace technology and every single one of us knows that apps can improve many aspects of our life. This is why I think that these days are more than ever about evaluating,...

Learn a New Language with Android Babylon

Learning a new language is not an easy thing to do, so I am not at all surprised to discover a growing market for tools and Android apps to help you at this chapter. Some of them are exactly what...

Find the right Word Meaning with Instadict

Instadict is a dedicated Android application that makes searching word meanings easier than ever, so that is why I have decided to share more info about it with you. Well, Instadict lets you view a word’s meaning anywhere and it...

Enjoy Swype Keyboard on your Android Device

Swype is very popular for its ability to replace the on-screen keyboard for Android smartphones and tablets all over the world and the million downloads in the Play Store is the best proof for that. Now, it seems that Swype...