274 Search results

For the term "Sprint".

HTC One M8 to come in Glacial Silver and Amber Gold

Do you remember when everyone asked for something different than the usual black HTC One and HTC One Max and HTC offered us something called the “Amber Gold” edition? The story is the same for HTC’s latest One M8 which...

Galaxy S5 to be Launched in India on March 27th

Samsung has announced that its Galaxy S5 is scheduled to be launched in India on March 27th. To be honest, Samsung has been extremely prompt in releasing its new handsets in India, so we are not at all surprised by...

Samsung’s Galaxy S5 New Experience app

It has been previously rumored Samsung’s Galaxy S5 has all the chances to be one of the most popular smartphones to be released in 2014, but you shouldn’t imagine that this has topped the company from trying to attract the...

Samsung Galaxy S5 Pre-Orders from US Cellular

A few hours ago AT&T announced us that it will be offering the Samsung Galaxy S5 for $199.99 with a two-year contract with pre-orders starting today, but AT&T isn’t the only one doing so, but US Cellular is in the...