338 Search results

For the term "clean".

Scan and Annotate with Android Evernote

The most recent Evernote for Android update comes with a set of features that I bet you’ll love in no time! It seems that the app can automatically detect things like business cards and post-it notes and you even have...

Install Marshmallow 6.0.1 on US Cellular Galaxy S5

It has been more than five months since Google started rolling out its brand new Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system, but don’t you imagine that everyone is enjoying it. On the contrary, there are still problems at this chapter. There...

How to Enjoy What TrueFeel has to Offer

You probably know that Android weather apps generally show numbers that represent wind, pressure, humidity, but have you ever wanted more than that? For example, have you ever wondered how these numbers affect your body or how can they make...

Take Care of your Direct Messages on Android Twitter

Direct messages on Android Twitter aren’t at all the best way to start your day. Only followers can send you direct messages, so you should have no issues, but the truth is that the more followers you have, the more...