758 Search results

For the term "Messages".

Grab Lineage OS ROM on Your Galaxy S7 Device

Cyanogen Inc., the company built around the CyanogenMod open source Android OS ROM project, made a big fuss when it decided to decline an acquisition offer by Google two years ago. Now, the company has shut down its namesake open...

How to Use Calls Blacklist on Android

There are plenty of apps that claim to help users identify the calls they want to pick up and automatically block the ones they want to avoid. Well, there is a tricky word inhere – I am talking about “claim”...

The Rebranded Newton Mail – Email & Calendar

The last year, Cloudmagic, a popular email client, got re-branded as Newton Mail and it comes with a few extra features that are worthy of all our attention. I like the app even better now and I know that I...

Fenix for Twitter reclaims its Popularity

Fenix, the popular Twitter app on Android had a though year, that’s for sure. I recall how the app hit Twitter’s ridiculous token/user limit one day and it was removed from Google Play. That seemed odd to us since the...

How to Enjoy Slash Keyboard

I could write a long review simply because there is much to say about the amazing Slash Keyboard, but I’ll just say the fact that this keyboard is truly amazing. Slash Keyboard is one of the most powerful third-party keyboards...

How to Use Quit Smoking: Cessation Nation

There are apps who tend to focus on the practical side of quitting smoking and they try to show much you smoked and then give you facts and figures based on the information you provided, while others scare you with...

Download and Install the Mutifier App

Being a part of a group chat is fun (if not even necessary these days), but the messages that keep on coming when working are far from what you dream of. If you are tired of having your phone randomly...

Grab LINE Whoscall on Android

Are you one of those Android users who gave LINE Whoscall a try? Let me tell you from the very beginning the fact that this app that I am telling you about today has no less than 5 million downloads (if...

How to Use Facemoji Keyboard+GIFs

If you are bored of your existing keyboard and think that it’s time to choose something else, then Facemoji Keyboard could be the perfect choice for you. Well, Facemoji Keyboard is an Android app that gives users access to thousands...