3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

Setting your Online Status to Invisible on WhatsApp

Hiding WhatsApp online status isn’t something officially supported by the app, but don’t you imagine that it is impossible either. I mean, you cannot just turn it on and off, but a few simple tricks will help you setting your...

Modify Led Color on Android

If you’ve joined team Android because of all of the tempting customization options, you may be wondering what hidden tricks there might be there, still waiting for you. Well, do you know how simple is to modify the Led Color...

How to Remove Background in Snapseed? [Tested Method]

You ‘ve probably seen in many Instagram profiles that people tend to upload white background or photos that are white and you want that too for your photos. Well, I’ve been asked how to remove background in photos on your...

Learn to Control any Android Device from Laptop/PC

Most of us use Android phones devices out of necessity rather than as fashion accessories. Android devices can lift a heavy burden off your shoulder, especially for those who multitask a lot, if you know how to use them. And...