3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

Learn Anything with Android Khan Academy

You don’t have to deny it: all students love using innovative gadgets, but not only for entertainment. Studying is more than important as well and Android offers so many dedicated apps for college students, so I am sure that you...

Most Useful Photography Apps for Android

Do you want more from your phone’s camera? New Android apps are coming out all the time that add more and more functionality, so why not taking advantage of that? In fact, I think that all photographers have more options...

How to Flash CM13 Android 6.0 M Firmware on Xiaomi Redmi 1S

With the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow software officially out in the wild, you can already start thinking on the latest CyanogenMod versions as well. The CyanogenMod team announced that it has started pushing its Android Marshmallow-based CM 13 nightlies to...

Flash CM13 Android 6.0 Marshmallow on Galaxy S4 Mini LTE

Have you heard the fact that with CM 13 installed, your Android device can run faster, the battery last longer and you enjoy an improved Android experience? It’s true that all those customization and optimization opportunities are tempting and I bet...

Top 5 Ideal Weather Apps for Android

You never know when Mother Nature will be in a bad mood, so be prepared for anything. My guess is that you don’t always have the time to catch the local news for the forecast every night, but be sure...