3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

Samsung Galaxy S5 Gets Rooted ahead its Official Launch

Even though Samsung’s Galaxy S5 hasn’t been officially launched, it seems that the popular Android developer Chainfire has successfully managed to root the handset and release his signature CF-Auto-Root root solution too. Chainfire has just posted on his Google+ account...

LG Optimus G to be Updated to KitKat in Summer

We have previously told you about LG’s Optimus G Pro plans for a KitKat update, but they were only available for South Korea, LG’s homeland. The list had only included SKT and LG U+ Korean telecoms, but now things have...

Video: HTC One aka M8 to Be Launched Soon

Video: HTC One aka M8 to Be Launched Soon

After rumors pouring out lately with the arrival of a new HTC One, it is now official that the next-gen is coming sooner than we might think. HTC announced today the arrival of the new HTC One, with the codename...

Nokia X To Be Launched in Indonesia on March 27

Nokia has just decided to expand the availability of its first Android based smartphone, Nokia X in even more countries. We have already seen this entry level device as it went on sale in countries like India and Malaysia, but...