1339 Search results

For the term "Note 8".

Learn to Turn on Galaxy Note 8 Game Launcher

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is an outstanding phablet and beside all the hardware elements that I am sure you are familiar with at this point, the device rises above the rest due to some tools designed specifically for gamers...

Increase Galaxy Note 8 Screen Resolution

Samsung’s stunning new Note 8 is here with a big and beautiful high resolution screens. However, the Galaxy Note 8 screen is capable of a 2k resolution, higher than most HDTVs despite of the fact that Samsung turns it down...

Easily Turn Off Note 8 Notification LED

Just like the Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8+ and most of Samsung’s other smartphones, the Galaxy Note 8 ships with a front-facing LED indicator. I am sure that you have already noticed the Galaxy Note 8 notification LED light that blinks...

Customize Galaxy Note 8 Always-On Display

You know how things go this time with your Note 8 Always-On display. When the screen is “off” and you know for sure what this means, it’s still technically on. A small area gives you at-a-glance information. Whether it’s just...

Setup Do-Not-Disturb on your Galaxy Note 8

Well, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 isn’t just your average next-Galaxy. It is known as the follow-up to the most troubled Samsung device ever. It’s clear that the pressure is on for the popular company, but I think that the Korean...

Learn to Update Galaxy Note 8 Apps

After Samsung’s disaster with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, a lot of Android phone buyers will choose to replace the Note 7 with another device. This could be its successor as long as it’s a fresh start from a company...

How to Use Galaxy Note 8 Smart Lock

The Galaxy Note 8 is the best phone Samsung has ever made. It’s a massive leap over the Note 7 and it has some impressive improvements even when compared to the company’s Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus handset versions. The...

Learn to Take Galaxy Note 8 zoomed-in photos

Why would you buy the Samsung Galaxy Note 8? If you love the idea of becoming the owner of a device with a 6.3-inch display crammed into a small body, then the Note 8 is ideal, yet the huge screen...