Take Advantage of Google URL Shortener
Google had always offered an excellent option for shortening URLs — goo.gl, but things are much better when you can do the very same thing with the help of an application. I am not the only one saying that and a third party developer – none other than Thomas Devaux – managed to squeeze the very same capabilities to an Android app known as Google URL Shortener which is among the bests.
The app obviously shortens URLs, gives you the possibility to share them in a blink of an eye, it lets you enjoy analytics reports on any shortened URL, access your history with the goo.gl website and much, much more than that, so that’s why I’ve decided to tell you more about it.
We don’t have the chance to see every day such pretty feature-rich app which can be taken on your Android device for free. And even better, let me tell you from the start that Google URL Shortener was especially designed for smartphones, and 7- and 10-inch Android tablets, so what are you waiting for?
Gran the app from here and you will see how it syncs into your Google account in order to have access to any short URLs you’ve previously created.
Creating new short URLs only requires pasting the full resource into the app, so no complicated steps are waiting for you this time. Once you’ve created a new short URL, it is only up to you to easily share into any app from your notifications, to change the settings in order to immediately copy the short URL to the clipboard, or show a dialog.
Even more, the URL Shortener gives you the possibility to access your history – always synced with goo.gl, it lets you receive analytics reports of any short URL, not just yours, as for the Android Beam feature, you can only imagine what it can do. You basically have the chance to push a short URL onto another Android device by tapping the devices together and speeding up things.