ROM Manager Available Again on Google Play Store
Recent news suggested the fact that Koush’s extremely popular ROM management app, and namely the ROM Manager was withdrawn from Google’s Play Store. It appears that the application violates Google’s IAP standards and its creator was given six weeks to fix this problem. However, the deadline was not a solid thing since the application was pulled two weeks short of what it was given.
Today, other news confirmed the fact that Koush has managed to fix the violation, and now, the ROM manager appears to be back on the Play Store. In the same time, the application appears to be updated. Besides the bug fixes, we can easily assume that the IAP violation has completely removed.
For those of you who do not know, the ROM Manager application has been regarded as a tremendous help for most people, in fact, for the whole Android ecosystem. The app allows rooted users to flash new ROMs and restore backups for years. It is quite simple to use, and it provides increased support in the case of custom ROMs.

ROM Manager available on Google PLay store
In order to make things even clearer, Koush owned two different applications, the ROM Manager and Helium, and both of them were taken off the Google Play Store in the same time, because of violation of current policies related to the paid app purchases and in-app purchases. In fact, both of these apps used an old and now disallowed purchase method of using PayPal, instead of using Google’s own payment service, the Google Wallet.
The app developer has taken care of this problem, and now, the apps are back up on Google’s own Play Store. However, it is worth noting the fact that they were pulled out prematurely in the first place. There is no explanation for this thing; probably it is to be blamed on some sort of system error or glitch.
If you are interested in discovering what Koush’s ROM Manager can bring to your device, feel free to visit Google’s Play Store and search for it.
Source: AndroidCommunity