European LG G2 To Be Soon Updated to KitKat
LG has started rolling out the Android 4.4 KitKat to its LG G2 back in December, but you probably already know that the update was available only in Korea. So, the company left the rest of us, other G2 owners all over the world to wonder when their smartphones will be updated as well. Now, we are back with great news, at least according to LG Italy and we can announce you that despite of the fact that they haven’t received the Android 4.4 KitKat as a late Christmas present, Europeans will have the chance to enjoy it by the end of March too.
We must admit that the company’s announcement was not a traditional one, but more as a simple response to someone curious to find out when KitKat would finally be making its way over to users in Italy. And we are actually talking about a Facebook response, but given its official source, we tend to believe that it shows the reality.

European LG G2 To Be Soon Updated to KitKat
It is true that LG Italy has only mentioned its own country, but if you remember well, LG France has also reported an update to Android 4.4 KitKat sometime in early 2014. And we all know that LG Canada is in the same situation and has previously mentioned that its LG G2 To it supposed to be updated to KitKat by the end of Q1 2014, which means nothing else than late-March as well.
As our source also mentions, we all know that these sorts of updates are generally released around the same timeframe throughout the entire Europe, but we must unfortunately announce you that American G2 owners aren’t as lucky as the other ones.
From what we know so far, they might not see the KitKat update until Q2 2014, but this shouldn’t come as a surprise. We all know that United States has this tendency of being a little slower when it comes to rolling out the latest updates, but it finally does it too, so there is no reason to be worried about. And until then, they have the possibility to install Android 4.4.2 on LG G2 with Beanstalk custom ROM, using our tutorial.