Verizon HTC One – Updated to KitKat
‘When will my device get the latest Android 4.4.2 KitKat?’ This is the question that we have repeatedly heard in the last few weeks and now we finally have great news for Verizon HTC One owners as well. Bach in December, Verizon HTC One has received the Android 4.3 OTA update, but now it’s time to be talking about something even more tempting than that. The KitKat update has already started rolling out, but gradually, so you don’t have to be worried in case of not receiving the this notification up to now.
You just have to wait a little longer for that to happen or you can, manually check for the update in the Settings Menu (in the About > Software updates > Check now section).

Verizon HTC One – Updated to KitKat
KitKat improvements and not only
As you can already guess, we are talking about the usual Android 4.4.2 KitKat changes to come with this update, ready to offer you a smarter power use, a stronger security, and an improved overall experience, so you’d practically enjoy every moment of using your smartphone. But that’s not all that your Verizon HTC One will get! In this list we must also add certain HTC-Specific changes when it comes to the BlinkFeed feature and other camera improvements, along with the new Sense 5.5.
AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint HTC One versions
Do you imagine that Verizon is the first carrier to certify the KitKat firmware on its HTC One? It seems that you are wrong and Sprint owners began are much luckier than Verizon ones as long as Android 4.4 KitKat update has begun rolling out for the since last weekend.
As for the other two popular AT&T and T-Mobile carriers, as our source has also stated, they were left behind at this chapter and we still have no details on this topic. But we’ll be back with fresh details as soon as we hear about any possible change.