120 Search results

For the term "passwords".

Add Chrome Custom Tabs to your Apps

Alongside Android Marshmallow, Google debuted a new Android feature called Chrome Custom Tabs, which lets developers to use Chrome as their in-app browser instead of WebView. Up to now, developers had no more than two options: they could choose to...

Enjoy Live Streaming on Facebook

The idea of mobile live-streaming was a success – we can all see that from Periscope and even YouTube. At that time, Facebook was already quietly working on a special method to let public figures broadcast live videos to their...

Use a Video as your Facebook Profile Picture

I’m back with a new Facebook guide! Well, it seems that Facebook wants to remain on top, so it offers us a new interesting feature. I am talking about Profile Videos and you can already guess what this feature can...

Root Nexus 6 running on Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Google has just started rolling out the Android 6.0 Marshmallow over-the-air update with build MRA58K for a variety of Nexus devices and your Nexus 6 is no exception. And the story gets even better than that. I am talking about...