233 Search results

For the term "Twitter".

Enjoy the Best Space-related Wallpapers with Spacious

If you are passionate about space and you want that to reflect that in everything you do, changing your wallpaper to something that’s a lot more dynamic and engaging could be a great place to start. In this tutorial, I...

Carbodroid Reminds you to Drink Water When it’s Time

If certain people do not drink enough water per day, they do not have enough liquid to help with the elimination process and without eliminating the foods we digest, we gain weight, gain toxins, and feel awful. Water moisturizes skin...

How to Change Screen Timeout on Galaxy S7 Edge

Samsung’s latest Galaxy S7 Edge might look a lot like the Galaxy S6 Edge generation of devices, but things are not quite the same and more hidden features are waiting to be found. The Korean company might have reused the...

Enable Easy Mode on the Galaxy S7

Your Samsung Galaxy S7 is a very powerful smartphone, but what if you don’t really need all the features and settings that are pre-installed by default? There is a method to reduce the complexity of the features of this smartphone,...

How to Solve Galaxy S7 Battery Life Issues

Carrier forums continue to fill up with complaints about Galaxy S7 problems. Some of them are new and we have never seen them before, while others are no surprise. Battery life problems are among them: something regular in the side...

How to Solve Galaxy S7 Auto Correct Issue

Samsung launched two impressive mobile phones during the 2016 Mobile World Congress and Galaxy S7 is one of them. You own this device, so you don’t need me to tell you that the device is boasting an even more refined...