223 Search results

For the term "Language".

Find the right Word Meaning with Instadict

Instadict is a dedicated Android application that makes searching word meanings easier than ever, so that is why I have decided to share more info about it with you. Well, Instadict lets you view a word’s meaning anywhere and it...

Take Advantage of Adblock Browser for Android

Are you desperately looking for a way to block advertising on your phone or tablet? The Adblock Browser for Android might be what you are looking for. The Android browser has been in beta since late May and saw 300,000...

How to Setup Android Wear on iOS

Not so long ago the possibility of Android Wear compatibility with an iPhone was nothing more than a dream. However, things have changed and Android Wear for iOS is as real as it can be. Well, as you can imagine,...

How to Use Timetable on your Android Device

Now, that a new school year has started for such a long time, has your wish of being organized become true? Do you need a little help at this chapter? Well, let me tell you that there are numerous popular...

Have a Plan for Anything with Wunderlist

Do you feel overwhelmed by everything that’s happening in your life? You should take action right away and let me tell you the fact that Wunderlist might be exactly what you are looking for. If you are not so good...

Enjoy Swype Keyboard on your Android Device

Swype is very popular for its ability to replace the on-screen keyboard for Android smartphones and tablets all over the world and the million downloads in the Play Store is the best proof for that. Now, it seems that Swype...