332 Search results

For the term "Smart Stay".

Flash Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Update on Google Nexus 5

It seems like yesterday when I have showed you How to Flash Android 5.1.1 LMY48M Lollipop Factory Image on Google Nexus 5 (read this guide for further info). However, Google officially released Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow with over 200 new emojis,...

How to Use Trello on your Android Phone

Is there something that you need in order to help you smartly manage your personal things? Let me tell you from the start the fact that Android Trello stays in sync across all your devices, wherever you are; and one...

Improve your Fitness Life with Android Runkeeper

Do you know that there is a strong running community that helps people get out the door and stick with their running schedule? I am talking about a community of no less than 45 million runners who are currently using...

How to Learn a New Language with Duolingo App

You don’t need me to tell you that Android devices have completely changed our modern day life. Well, we have smartphones and tablets, applications and amazing software features that can practically help us in the most important aspects of life...

Galaxy S6 Edge: Information Stream for the Edge

If you have the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and if you are trying to learn as much as possible about your new Android based device, then you probably know the fact that the curved side of the smartphone does much more...