359 Search results

For the term "browser".

Learn to Manage Mobile Data Usage on Netflix

Video streaming is costly, so I know that you want to limit the service’s data usage to prevent your wireless bill from getting out of hand. Has this ever happened to you? Well, you are not the only one complaining...

Toggle Icon Frames on the Galaxy S8

There are a few categories built into the Galaxy S8 that can be easily switched up. These includes the icons of your phone. Under the Icons section of this menu, you can find a library of different options available for...

How to Enable Easy Mode on the Samsung Galaxy S8

The truth is that Galaxy S8 is a complicated device. Many users will love is power and capability. For users that don’t want to have to learn all the smartphones sophisticated functions and want a simple experience, there is Easy...

Change your Galaxy S8 Default Apps

Out of the box, your Samsung Galaxy S8 comes with a certain number of pre-installed apps. You know all about bloatware and how some of these apps are simply supposed to stay there and do no good, yet there are...

How to Soft Reset your Frozen Galaxy S8+

At some point, you’re probably going to have to reset your Samsung Galaxy S8+ device. I know that practically your device is one of the most powerful Android smartphone models in the market today, but you can expect a problem...

Your Galaxy S8+ can Double as a Desktop Computer

Samsung is one of those companies that do the best to actually listen to customer feedback. Do you remember Microsoft’s Lumia 950 and Motorola’s Atrix? What about Microsoft’s Continuum feature for Windows 10 that lets phone and tablet users convert...