635 Search results

For the term "location".

Solve Call Volume too Low on your Note 8

Many Note 8 users were also owners of other Samsung Galaxy phones and have never had an issue with the volume being really low before. You can face various Galaxy Note 8 phone call issues during calls such as low...

Grab Modded YouTube APK with Dark Mode

The story is pretty much the same with YouTube – it seems that each video seems more interesting than ever, you love watching them, but the bright background of the app contrasts sharply with the darks of most videos, making...

How to Fix Note 8 Bad Battery Life

After the Note 7 disaster, Samsung was forced to reevaluate how it designed and manufactured phone batteries, and it now uses different processes and chemistries that produce more durable batteries that also degrade less over time. How things work with...

Could Memorigi be what you are Looking for?

It’s not easy staying on top of all your to-dos, but luckily, there’s an app for each of our requirements. Today I want to tell you more about the Memorigi app – this is a simple and beautiful Todo list,...

Take HTC U11 Plus Stock Wallpapers on Android

Just a few days ago HTC announced their new device in the smartphone market. They named this smartphone HTC U11 Plus and even if you are not looking for a new device, I have something interesting for you too. You...

Download Infinix Note 4 Stock Wallpapers on Android

There is no reason to deny the fact that Infinix has impressed a lot of smartphone users by launching some pretty good smartphones this year like Infinix Smart and Infinix Hot 5. The flagship series of Infinix is Note series...