523 Search results

For the term "Facebook".

Learn to Install Android 9 Pie on Nokia 6.1 Plus

Nokia stated that all of its Android devices would be updated to Android 9 Pie. After a wide roll-out of Android 9 Pie on the Nokia 7 Plus, the Nokia 6.1 Plus is the company’s second device to receive Android...

How to Disable Notch on Huawei P20 Device

Since the launch of the iPhone X handset, many Android smartphone brands started to add a notch on their smartphones too. This feature is being added to Android devices the same way the Face unlock became popular after Apple announced...

Save WhatsApp Stories on Android via Click2Chat App

WhatsApp rolled out one of the major features a year ago: WhatsApp stories that disappear after a given amount of time. Now, we all know WhatsApp has had their own feature for stories since the beginning of 2017, but much...

How to Use One-handed Mode on your Note 9

The truth is that the new Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is a huge and heavy phone, one that it is not easy to operate with a single hand. You might have trouble reaching the corner of the screen if you’re...