523 Search results

For the term "Facebook".

How to Solve Galaxy S7 Auto Correct Issue

Samsung launched two impressive mobile phones during the 2016 Mobile World Congress and Galaxy S7 is one of them. You own this device, so you don’t need me to tell you that the device is boasting an even more refined...

How to Fix Galaxy S7 Edge WiFi Problems

Samsung’s Galaxy S7 Edge is an incredible piece of technology and no one can deny that. The smartphone is either loved by its users either desired by other Android fans all over the world, but you know how things work....

How to Solve Galaxy S7 Bluetooth Problems

Samsung’s latest Galaxy S7 comes with some powerful hardware and amazing features, so don’t be surprised to see that the smartphone is more popular than Samsung itself expected. Despite of that, the flagship is far from perfect and the usual problems...

Give a try to Vector 2 on Android

Vector was very popular years ago and I am sure of the fact that there are plenty of gamers around the world glad to give a try to Vector 2 as well. After the amazing success of Vector, I can...

How to Turn Off Galaxy S7 Edge Always-on Display

Samsung decided to reintroduce a feature that was forgotten for the last few years on its Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. I am referring to the Always On Display functionality that has one major purpose: to maintain a small part...