3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

How to Restart your Galaxy S7 Edge in Safe Mode

If you have installed an app on your new Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge from the Google Play Store or from another source, then you know that this could lead to problems. I am talking about repeated Android system crashes or...

AutoMate Helps Drivers with Relevant Information

For those of you who don’t know, AutoMate is an Android app that has one main purpose: to help all drivers with relevant information exactly when they need it the most. The app manages to do that by making the services...

How to Enjoy Clocks from Noodlecake Studios on Android

When you heard of Noodlecake Studios, you can only expect to receive the best. After all, I am talking about a pretty amazing Android game developer team that makes everything seem possible. Have you heard of their latest game known...

How to Enjoy Backup in Android Marshmallow

The truth is that there are so many users who don’t know that Google only backed up some settings and not the app data, until Android Lollipop. In such a case, the only solution left was to use third-party apps...

How to Install TWRP 3.0 on Samsung Galaxy S7

Recently, TWRP recovery got updated with material designed to TWRP 3.0.0. This means that you can get the latest TWRP 3.0.0 on your Galaxy S7 and don’t say that this is not what you have in mind! By default your...

How to Root your Galaxy S7 Edge Exynos Model

Rooting an Android smartphone comes with major advantages and despite of the fact that Samsung’s latest Galaxy S7 Edge is packed with the most recent industry technology, there are people who want to get the best out of it. If you...