1377 Search results

For the term "notification".

How to Enter Recovery Mode on Xperia Z2

Are you trying to enter the recovery mode on your Sony Xperia Z2, but you don’t know how to do it? If the answer is yes, then this step-by-step tutorial is just what you need. Here we have three different...

Samsung Galaxy S5

How to Update Samsung Galaxy S5 using OTA, or Odin

Each Android device can be updated in two ways: you can use an official Android OS, or you can install a custom ROM firmware. Now, recently I have showed you how to update Samsung Galaxy S5 with Custom ROMs using...

How to Minimize Data Usage on your Android Device

A while ago smartphone plans only had limited minutes and text messages, offering you as much data as you want. But carriers realized that data is much more important than what they have initially believed, so now it is limited...

Sense 6 UI Treatment for HTC One (M7) by the End of May

Jason Mackenzie, the President of HTC America, has just revealed that the new Sense 6 UI treatment will reach to HTC One (M7) by the end of May. If we consider that June was the date initially speculated date, we’ll...

How to Enter Recovery Mode on Xperia Z

Are you the owner of a Sony Xperia Z who plans to perform a factory reset? Then you probably know that entering recovery mode is absolutely necessary for doing so and that’s exactly what we are going to teach you...