1377 Search results

For the term "notification".

Get HTC U11 Plus Launcher APK on your Android

With so many free launchers, the truth is that it is pretty difficult to compete in the Android Launcher space. Those paid popular options such as Nova Launcher Prime or Action Launcher V3 can truly make your day brighter, but...

Upload Saved Photos or Videos to Snapchat

Snapchat is a popular image messaging social platform tailored for Android handsets like yours, so I know why you are using it all the time. You get to share your special moments (pictures, of course) with your friends or snap...

It’s time to Delete Unused Apps in Oreo

Free space is a problem that can never find an ending on many Android devices, especially those that come bundled with no more than 16GB of storage. To help address the problem in Oreo, Google has introduced a few new...

Efficiently Enable Data Saver across Android

Do you want to boost your phone’s performance? What about enabling Data Saver across Android? This should not be confused with Chrome’s Data Saver. With this one, you have the chance to lower your phone bill or load webpages faster...

Transferring Charges on Android: How to do it

I am sure that you have heard of transferring or sharing files, apps, songs, videos and so on from one phone to another, but have you ever heard that you can transfer charge from one phone to another? Not all...