How to Use Quit Smoking: Cessation Nation

There are apps who tend to focus on the practical side of quitting smoking and they try to show much you smoked and then give you facts and figures based on the information you provided, while others scare you with the negative effects of smoothing, give you daily motivational messages, helping you to be inspired to quit, not to mention that special app category that tries to make quitting smoking fun, just as if you would be in a game.

However, these don’t work all the time and maybe you need a different strategy. Cigarette cravings can get really intense (I know that as long as I have been there too), but the good news is that they go away if you can distract yourself and there is one app based on that.

I am talking about none other than Cessation Nation, a special Android app which helps you do just that by connecting you to a much larger social community of quitters through Facebook. If you think you are alone in your fight against addiction, just know that you don’t have to be. This app makes it possible to find others who share your affliction and want to help you quit as much as they want to quit themselves.

So, for those who need some support as they struggle to quit, this app seems to be simply ideal. It connects you not only to experts on quitting who provide emotional support, but it also puts you in touch with other people who are going through the same process as you. This innovative virtual world gives you the chance to talk to others who are trying to quit and see what is working for them (their tips might work for you too) and what struggles they are experiencing.

Besides that, the very same app that I am telling you about also shows you how much money you’ve all saved, and how many days the group has been smoke-free.

Quit Smoking: Cessation Nation can be taken from here.

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