Enjoy amazing Android wallpapers from multiple categories with SimplyPaper
Unfortunately, the need to beautify our phones can sometimes be a long and time-consuming process that not many of us have enough time nor patience for. Despite of the fact that there are various quality background images in the web, there aren’t a lot of places where you can get high definition wallpapers for your phone and many are just a disappointment. Or you just have to know what to look for and this could also turn into a problem.
Fortunately for you, we are doing our best to give you the best wallpaper resources the Internet has to offer. Don’t you know what you need or better said, what your smartphone needs at the moment?
Then, SimplyPaper might be the perfect choice in your case. No, I am not talking about that custom paper and design company that brides are looking for when it comes to their special wedding invites (don’t tell me that this hasn’t crossed your mind too), but about a special wallpaper app that seems to give you a little bit of everything so you’ll have plenty of options to choose from.
I am saying that as long as this wallpaper app offers some amazing wallpapers from multiple categories to choose from. To be more precise, it has 10+ categories including minimal, animal, polygon, landscapes, technology and more and I must tell you from the very beginning that all of them are designed in portrait orientation, so they will fit your device perfectly.
However, this is also the best sign that you cannot enjoy them in any of your tablets, at least not at the moment, but there is no need to worry. The same SimplyPaper also comes with a separate category where it shows all those wallpapers which are designed for tablets. All the wallpapers are in 3k resolution and can be downloaded and stored on your device.
Take SimplyPaper from here and let me know if you are pleased by it.