2214 Search results

For the term "google play store".

Enjoy Always-On display on your Android device

Instead of having to turn the entire phone on, Samsung users let the Always-On display show this information at a glance. In the end it should actually save you battery life. Samsung claims it uses less than 5% throughout an...

Learn to Install Adobe Flash Player on LG V30

While browsing the Internet on your LG V30 smartphone, you may have come across a grey field with the classical information “this plugin is not supported”. In most cases it is about the lack of Flash Player plugin and you...

Enjoy Ludo Star 1. Multiplayer Game for Android

Ludo is an addictive multi-player game where you are matched with random people across the world and I have great news for you. Gameberry has released Ludo Star 1.0.29 APK, so the game is much smoother now in terms of...

Disable Google Location Reporting on your Android

There is no secret that your location can be tracked through your phone’s GPS data. GPS can easily identify where you are, and what time you were in a particular location, but things go way beyond that. In fact, not...

Enable Pixel 2 Always On Display on your Pixel XL

Unlike traditional backlit LCD technology, OLED screens don’t use any power to display black pixels. Many manufacturers have taken advantage of this by implementing an always-on display and your Pixel XL is no exception to that. This offers the ability...

Install Pixel 2’s Always-On Display on Nexus 6P

One of the Pixel 2’s key features is its spectacular always-on display. Thanks to the phone’s OLED panel, this can keep the screen black, but active at all times so you can quickly access information without draining the juice out...