2966 Search results

For the term "Call".

How to Smartly Copy Text from Android Apps

Did you ever want to copy text from an app from your Android device? Then, you already know the fact that the text from the YouTube app, from the official Android apps of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other social networking...

How to Install Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow on Samsung Galaxy Tab S2

Android Marshmallow is the latest operating system from Google. As you already know, it introduces interesting and innovative features to Android users all over the wolrd as it has various under-the-hood improvements, revamped security system, not to mention all those bug...

Enjoy Manual Backup Option from Google Photos Update

As with most Google products and services, the company is constantly trying to improve the user’s experience. The Google Photos application and service replaced the older Google+ Photo Backup service, letting you choose between limited and unlimited, but reduced quality...

How to Play Facebook Messenger’s Secret Chess Game

Facebook Messenger might not be your number one communication app, but a fun Easter egg could make you use it much more these days. I have already told you about that hidden mini game of basketball from the Facebook Messenger...

Easily Enable CSC Tweaks on your Samsung Device

In case of ever flashing a multi-file firmware using Odin on your Samsung device, then I am sure of the fact that you have also spotted the CSC file. Have you ever wondered what it is and what can it...