3707 Search results

For the term "Screen".

Moto X officially in black and white on Rogers, in August

The Canadian retail, Rogers showed in a video that Moto X will dress the official clothes colored in black and white in August. The exact release date of Moto X is not announced but It seems to be at the end of...

HTC One Glamor Red

HTC One Released in Red in the UK

HTC One’s Glamor Red version is now available in the UK, through the exclusive retailer Phones4u, with a two-year contract with Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile or EE. The monthly price starts from 31$. You don’t have the possibility of getting it...

Smartwatch 2 will be unveiled by Sony in September

It is rumored that Sony has planned the release date of the new smartwatch 2 for September this year. It is a new and improved watch based on the previous model.  The official release date was finally announced as being...

Verizon's Moto X leaked photo

Verizon Moto X Version Leaked in first picture

The first Moto X variant headed to Verizon showed itself in a leaked photo. The device from the picture is not for sale and no specs have been provided, but you can see the 4G LTE logo in the notification...

Facebook Layout 2013

New Facebook Layout 2013 Rolling Out In Mass

So, here we are again, Facebook started rolling out their new layout for the social network and the first impression is that they have done some good things about it. The first big thing which has changed is the search...

HTC One SV Jelly Bean Update

HTC One SV gets Android Jelly Bean OTA Update

Boost Mobile’s HTC One SV finally got its Jelly Bean OTA update. If you want to get it, you’ll have to make room for at least 400MB and also have WiFi while installing it, because without it, you’ll probably have...