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For the term "action".

How to Fix Waze Voice not Talking with These Steps

Waze being a traffic and direction map works with your car’s infotainment system. However, users can also use it as a standalone app directly from their phones. Sometimes, you may encounter Waze not talking at all issues with the app....

5 Ways to Fix Waze Not Working: No Network Connection

For daily commuters, Waze offers excellent features to save time by providing directions and updates on traffic. However, sometimes you encounter W aze no network connection errors in Android and iOS devices. This connectivity issue can happen unexpectedly and limit...

fix waze can't connect to car

Waze Bluetooth not Working? Try These Solutions

Waze is a popular driving direction and traffic map app that offers commuters the best route in real-time with help from other drivers. Waze is compatible with both Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. That said, sometime, you may encounter Waze...

Waze Audio not Working? Try these 4 Simple Solutions

Waze is a popular direction and traffic map app that saves time by showing real-time traffic and alerting users about potential traffic jams. Sometimes, the voice direction feature may not work resulting in Waze audio not working issues. Many users...

Enjoy Auto Call Recording on OnePlus 7 Pro

What don’t we do on our smartphones! Even if playing and watching videos, taking the best photos or sending emails are regular actions, placing phone calls is still a very important feature of any device. That’s why you own a...

How to Uninstall Bitmoji on Android

Bitmoji is known as a brand from the company Bitstrips, which was originally known for letting you create your own comic strips using a personalized cartoon avatar of yourself. Snapchat acquired the company in 2016 and that’s how it entered...

How to Revert to Pie on your Google Pixel

Google officially released its first beta version of the Android Q to the public in April and now we are already talking about the Android Q beta 4 version. Should we really be happy about it? Google released a preview...