7261 Search results

For the term "Android".

Solve Auto-Rotate Not Working on Galaxy S8+

There’s a whole lot packed into your Galaxy s8+ smartphone that you might be surprised to discover, therefore enjoy it! However, as is the case with every electronic item, there are some users who have faced some serious difficulties with...

How to Fix Galaxy S8 Wi-Fi Problems

Samsung continues to improve on what they started last year, with the latest Galaxy S flagships, yet there is no secret that Wi-Fi can often turn into a problem for smartphones. I know that your Galaxy S8 is one of...

Learn to Solve Galaxy S8 Plus Untimely Notifications

Some Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus users have experienced abnormal battery drain after installing new software or even out of the blue, but this isn’t a new thing. Complaints about poor Wi-Fi connectivity are also common and we continue to see...

Solve Galaxy S8 Repeated Random Reboots

Samsung’s most anticipated phone ever is finally here and it looks better than ever. Galaxy S8 is a jewelry, yet not everything is perfect and there is no reason to deny it. There are some issues with the device that...

How to Speed up Galaxy S8 Animations

There are plenty of Android devices which aren’t at all fast. Maybe they were back in their good old days, or maybe it’s your fault for being in such a situation. The point is that there are always a few...

Use Galaxy S8 Multi Window mode

If you’re fortunate enough to own a high-end Android device such as Galaxy S8, you are able to take advantage of that multi-window mode that people talk about. Samsung has been offering a Multi Window mode for several generations up...

How to Enjoy Galaxy S8+ Multi-Window

Multi-Window is one of the most awesome features that has especially created for larger Android devices. You will never use a smartphone the same way once you try running two apps at once, but I must warn you about the...

Conveniently Set up Galaxy S8 Do Not Disturb

Nobody likes having their meetings or sleep interrupted by a random notification or message. Notifications are a great way to make sure you never miss an alert, but there are some times when you might not want to hear that...

Disable Game Launcher notifications on Galaxy S8

The updated Game Launcher in the Galaxy S8 promises relaxation and fun, temporarily turning your phone into a handheld gaming console by disabling (most) mobile app notifications and smartphone controls. Game Launcher also lets you fine-tune the device’s hardware performance,...