66 Search results

For the term "waterproof".

Xperia Z1s – Set For T-Mobile Release

We are used to see Sony Mobile introducing its smartphones at CES (we are referring to the S and Z lines, to be more specific) and this year is no exception. We are talking about the Xperia Z1S device which...

Sony Z Ultra Google Play Edition

Sony Z Ultra Available on Google Store For $649

It’s a well known think that Sony is more and more eager to conquer the heart and the wallet of its fans. Not far from some hours ago, a suprise was just kick in: the new Sony Z Ultra smartphone...

Sony Xperia Honami Z1

Sony Xperia Z1 Honami Released at IFA Berlin 2013

The Sony Xperia Z1 Honami was released at IFA Berlin and George Buhnici, the TV presenter from iLike IT Romania was there to give us a hands-on review. And we can tell you that Sony wants their new smartphone to...

HTC One Max

HTC One Max: The HTC One On Steroids

Well, yes, HTC was saying back in April that the HTC One will be the only One device of 2013. However, since then they changed their minds twice: once with the announcement on an upcoming Mini, and now, it’s the...