210 Search results

For the term "GPS".

Learn to send Fake Location on WhatsApp in Android

As you may have heard by now, both webpages and Android apps can sometimes behave differently if they think that you were somewhere else instead of where you currently are. Think of the many apps and services that, for example,...

Enable and Disable Traffic Notifications on Android

You probably know that Google Maps has a very robust traffic notification system. Google usually thinks you want to know what traffic is like nearby, so it sends you a notification. I bet that you are wondering where these notifications...

Use YouTube TV all Over the World

At the moment, YouTube TV is a live TV streaming service that allows users to stream their favorite television shows from almost anywhere on almost any device. For $35, you not only get most of the popular TV stations but...

Write Content on NFC Tags to Automate Tasks

Do you also want to write content to into the NFC tags to automate certain tasks? You are not alone into this, but an app known as Trigger – Task Launcher can take care of things for you. The point...

How to Earn Money with Uber Driver

Uber is quite popular around the world and this should come as no surprise. The company started as a map on a smartphone, which connected a driver with a passenger based on GPS, but now it is much more than...

How to Find Rare Pokemon on Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO is the result of a collaboration between the Pokémon Company, Nintendo, and Niantic, Inc., so there is no surprise that we have received the best. We are playing Pokemon Go and I bet that you want to learn...