3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

How to Unlock Bootloader on LG K10

Who cares that LG K10 comes with a locked bootloader? You must simply follow a few simple steps and you will immediately unlock its bootloader. After all, this is a must if you dream of rooting your handset in order...

Install LG G6 Camera Port on Unrooted LG G4

Not all of us afford to upgrade the latest smartphone model each year, but developers are always here to help us. The story is no different when it comes to an unrooted LG G4 and if you want to enjoy...

How to install TWRP on your HTC U Ultra

With TWRP installed, you can go ahead and dare for more: you have the chance to flash custom ROMs, kernels, and mods on your device (when they are available) and much more. For the HTC U Ultra users, thankfully, the...

How to Install SamsungOne Font on your Android Device

Just as Google has its Roboto font family that’s become a key identity of many of their Material Design applications, Samsung has also crafted its own special font named SamsungOne. Well, the Korean manufacturer intends to use on all Samsung...

The Other Room brings you The Best

I am excited to let you know that Minority Media, the developers of the ambitious adventure game Papo & Yo, continued their work with a new have VR title on Android. And you are making no mistake in case of...