3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

How to Flash Lineage OS on Galaxy S7 Edge (hero2lte)

CyanogenMod might be gone as the developers closed all their services like making Nightly builds, ROM, and all other development, but this is not the end. On December 24, a group of CyanogenMod contributors announced in a joint post on...

Install Lineage OS on your Galaxy S5 Duos

The new Lineage OS is here, ready to take place of CyanogenMod and I bet that this is what you also want for your Galaxy S5 Duos handset. The Lineage sources are similar to those of CM and only the...

How to Use Calls Blacklist on Android

There are plenty of apps that claim to help users identify the calls they want to pick up and automatically block the ones they want to avoid. Well, there is a tricky word inhere – I am talking about “claim”...

Bitmoji can be Your Personal Emoji

Bitmoji can be Your Personal Emoji

In the beginning of the past year, Bitmoji made the big change as it was acquired by Snapchat for no less than $100 million. What this app does is let you create your own emoji. And besides that, after the acquisition,...