3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

Learn to Sync your Calendar from iPhone to Android

Have you decided to switch from iOS to Android? This means enduring the pain of having to give up your habits, of transferring everything and learning to adjust to something new, but I am sure that you will be just...

Enjoy Cooking with Android Food Network In the Kitchen

If you enjoy cooking, then there is no secret that your Android device is an amazing tool to help you manage recipes, find the right ingredients, learn how to cook and surprise your family with something delicious. In this guide,...

Enjoy Vinted and Sell your Stuff in a Snap

Let me tell you from the start the fact that Android Vinted is a simple way of selling all the clutter in your life while finding great deals that can save on cash. And besides being incredibly simple, let me...

Improve your 3G Internet Speed on Android

Despite the availability of 3G and 4G cellular communication technologies which give you access to the Internet wherever we are, I bet that many of you still want more. After all, who doesn’t dream of enjoying a faster Internet connection?...

How to Use City Maps 2Go on Android

I know that things are not at all easy when you go abroad without a good roaming data plan. I am perfectly aware of the fact that you want to save money, but how would you use Android Maps when...

Play Retro Games on your Android Device

Do you miss those old times when games such as Super Mario, Contra, Pokemon were all that you could enjoy? I am a 90’s kid too and I gladly discovered that there is a way to play the Retro Games...