1339 Search results

For the term "Note 8".

Samsung CEO Denies any Premium Galaxy S5 Version

Many of you might be dreaming premium Samsung Galaxy S5 version, one that would finally include all those technical specs initially rumored such a 2K/QHD (2560×1440) display and even a metal body, but until now, there has been little evidence...

Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 Has Reached to Korea

Within two months of announcing it globally, Samsung has made its Galaxy Grand 2 smartphone available on its home land in Korea too. The device is priced at no more than 517,000 K (about $484 USD), being indeed much more...

All New HTC One Leaked on Weibo

We have all heard several details about the upcoming All New HTC One and we have even received GooPhone’s M8 Clone ahead of its official release, but this time we want to talk about some newly leaked photos discovered on...

Samsung Galaxy S5 vs. HTC One

Samsung Galaxy S5 Versus HTC One

Here we are folks again, facing hard times to put the Samsung Galaxy S5 for another comparison, this time with the wonderful HTC One. As we all know, last year, the Android market was pretty much dominated by the Korean...

Samsung Galaxy S5 versus iPhone 5S

With the announcement of Samsung’s latest Galaxy S5, it’s time to be talking about one of the biggest smartphone rivalries of this year: Samsung Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 5S. How can you tell which of the two handsets is the...