270 Search results

For the term "S6 Edge".

How to Disable DT Ignite on Verizon Galaxy S7

The Samsung Galaxy S7 is a beautiful Android based smartphone with multitple hidden depths that are not obvious all the time, but no one says that things should remain like that. Here I am to help you easily unlock the true...

How to Manage Galaxy S7 Accounts

Last year I spent the majority of my time with Samsung’s Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge smartphones. When my time with these phones was done, I was so excited about the company’s new arrivals. The story is pretty much...

How to Change the Galaxy S7 Theme

Samsung Galaxy S7 is a beautiful smartphone, but my guess is that you are not satisfied only with that. There are so many special features and hidden depths that are not immediately obvious, but once you discover them, it’s impossible...

Disable Bloatware on Your Non-rooted Android Phone

There’s often an entire list of system apps installed at the factory that you are supposed to accept, even though you may not want them. Who says that you should accept the situation? Removing the bloatware from your non-rooted Android...

How to Enjoy Third Party Apps on Android TV

Are you annoyed of the fact that your favorite app is still unavailable for your Android TV? It had to be this one from all of them, but before exaggerating, let me tell you that you can actually do something...