332 Search results

For the term "Smart Stay".

How to Fix LG G5 Proximity Sensors Error

I bet that you love your LG G5, but there are known issues with the proximity sensors in some LG G5 devices. Well, these sensors are supposed to do one simple thing: they should tell when you’re holding the phone...

How to Solve LG G5 Wi-Fi Problems

LG G5 is a sleek, powerful and elegant smartphone with an amazing new modular system and despite of the fact that all these sound great, things are not always like that. For example, the regular issues with the Wi-Fi connectivity...

Carbodroid Reminds you to Drink Water When it’s Time

If certain people do not drink enough water per day, they do not have enough liquid to help with the elimination process and without eliminating the foods we digest, we gain weight, gain toxins, and feel awful. Water moisturizes skin...

How to Use Water Drink Reminder on Android

Let me start by reminding you that the human body is made up of 2/3 (66%) water and when we lose just a little bit of water through sweat and elimination, we must immediately replenish the lost liquid. You might...

Fix your Not Charging Galaxy S7 Edge Errors

To tell you the truth, as a current Galaxy S7 Edge owner, I faced the annoying slow charge problem more than once or sometimes my handset just didn’t charge at all. How could this be possible from a high-end device...

Clear Galaxy S7 MicroSD Notification

If you are seeing the “SD card, For transferring photos and media” notification on your Samsung Galaxy S7, and don’t know what to do about it, let me help you. Notifications aren’t supposed to pop up again when you swipe...

How to Solve Galaxy S7 Bluetooth Problems

Samsung’s latest Galaxy S7 comes with some powerful hardware and amazing features, so don’t be surprised to see that the smartphone is more popular than Samsung itself expected. Despite of that, the flagship is far from perfect and the usual problems...