Doctor Who: Legacy Arrives in Australia and New Zeeland Today
The arrival of the next Doctor is here. Doctor Who: Legacy can now be available for download on Android`s Google Play in Australia and New Zeeland starting from today, November 27. The game puts you through a serious of interesting and fictional events that a group of allies stand up to fight against different enemies along the story; the team is lead up by Doctor Who. The developer co-workers Seed Studios and Tiny Rebel came up with an interactive strategy game that can be played by all Android freaks, no matter their age, since the story has an unusual way to captivate each players.
For fans that know the real history of the game and are familiar with is predecessors “Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor”, “Doctor Who: The reign of terror”, or the trilogy “Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock which was released last year, the new sequel comes with a variety of new scenarios in terms of time travelling.

Doctor Who: Legacy Arrives in Australia and New Zeeland Today
A famous doctor character which goes by the name of Doctor Who travels back in time in order to change the course of events, and makes his excuse of meeting his fellow friends again – Rory, Clara, River, and much more. Along the events from the past, he also encounters his old enemies like Weeping Angels, Spoonheads, or Daleks.

Doctor Who: Legacy
Lee Cummings director from the creative department of Tiny Rebel Games, states that “With decades of epic adventures to draw from, doctor Who: Legacy is a loving homage by loyal Whovians, and is rich in the show`s creative legacy and fun”.
As our reliable source also mentions, Doctor Who: Legacy is free of charge and is now available in Australia and New Zeeland starting from today. The game sets its action back to Episode 7 and 6 and will carry on with Episode 5 in the early 2014.
Well Android game freaks, we hope we have drawn your attention. Just get a number and stay in line. The order is this: November 27 – Australia and New Zeeland, but no announced date yet for the rest of the world.
The two continents will have to keep us posted on the game. Until then, enjoy and tell us your opinions.