Google Glass KitKat Update to Bring Multiple Features

After a long waiting time, it appears that the Google Glass will get its fair share of updates. The long-awaiting bump to KitKat version is quite imminent. Officially announced on the Glass Google + page earlier this day, it appears that the update is actually pretty important.

As you may imagine, the most important feature related to this improvement is the upgrade to the Android KitKat 4.4. With this amazing update, it appears that users will be able to bundle photos, videos, and even vignettes from each day, with the help of Google Glass. This will free up some precious timeline space. In the same time, as another improvement, users will be able to reply with photos in Hangouts, as well as to send feedback directly from Glass.

Google Glass along with the KitKat integration will give users the possibility to enjoy a growing list of commands by frequency and recent history. In this way, browsing will be performed in a simpler manner. Video calls were also mentioned within the announcements, but since many users do not actually use them, it appears that the video hangouts will still remain on their tracks.

It is worth mentioning the fact that the update will bring better battery life, it will make things easier to update, and it will open a lot of new SDK features for developers who want to experience new things. Other features and improvements include:

  • Photo Bundles. Now, users will be able to sort photos as bundles, making them much easier to navigate since all photos will be displayed in categories.
  • Photo replies in Hangouts. As you might think, this will allow you to send images through Hangouts, as well as to receive photos from friends.
  • Send Feedback. With the help of a dedicated card in the device settings, you will be able to send feedback much easier than ever. Now, your friends will see when you love their photos of videos, or when you did not see them.
  • Voice Commands. Now, with the KitKat integration, voice commands are sorted by recency and frequency. This will definitely help you find something you are looking for, when you need it.
  • No Video Calls. It appears that Google is considering removing the video calls once and for good. Video calls no longer provide what users are looking for, and since they are not living up to their standards, they will be completely removed for the time being.

From the initial post, it is unclear when explorers should expect an update to hit each pair of smart Glasses out there, but it should be available any time now. Therefore, if you have the high-tech handsets, you should keep an eye on the Android KitKat update.

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