LG G Flex 2 Could Bend Over 90 degrees and is expected in 2014
Not so long ago we were all impressed by those amazing smartphones that utilize flexible displays. For those who want such a product, they can currently choose between LG G Flex and Samsung Galaxy Round, but unfortunately neither one of these is available outside Asia, so the options are extremely limited. In this case, we come with another suggestion: you should wait a little longer for LG’s second phone which will come with a flexible panel that will be much better than anything that we have seen so far. The latest rumors point that LG’s G Flex 2 won’t simply sport a slight curve, but will actually come with an impressive display that can bend up to a full 90 degrees without breaking. And we really hope that it’s going to be released outside of its home territory too!
If all these are true, it seems that LG’s bendable sequel could be the first fully functional touch-screen clamshell device, so we can only hope that the company will also be able to pack all its specs in a nice form fit. And our curiosity doesn’t stop here!

LG G Flex 2
How will its battery be able to work properly in such sort of conditions? We know that LG Chem has recently invented a battery in the form of a cable that doesn’t heat up, but there are no details to indicate that LG G Flex 2 will sport such sort of a flexible battery model. So, we’ll just have to wait and see.
The best part is that will also have a Samsung’s successor to the Galaxy Round next year and although there aren’t any other official details, we become sure that the competition is tougher than we have first expected. LG G Flex 2 will also make its debut sometime in 2014, but before this future Samsung’s device, as our source confirms and we are more than eager to try it on.