John Garner

Clean and Speed Up Android devices with The Cleaner

Are you in a summer cleaning mood? Then, don’t forget to include your Android devices in the cleaning list as well. Latest devices released on the market are more advanced than ever before, so some might say that a regular...

Efficiently Decompile and Recompile Jar Files

Are you looking for a way to decompile and recompile Jar Files? As you probably know, the Jar executable files are a set of files packed in the Android system which comprise of functionality of any app or module. If...

Easily Clear App Data and Cache on Android

There are big chances to run low on storage on your Android device or even if you decide to choose one of Samsung’s, HTC’s, LG’s and other companies’ latest handsets, things don’t always go as planned. In fact, I know...

How to Speed Up Chrome for Android

Let me be clear from the start about the fact that I find Chrome on Android as being a simply great default browser. The advantages coming along with Chrome are numerous: it utilizes less RAM, it runs smoother than several...