211 Search results

For the term "battery drain".

How to Remove LG G5 Bloatware

You don’t see every day a smartphone which has three cameras and a slide-out accessory port, so LG G5 is indeed one of a kind. However, that trend of suffocating the new phones with more and more bloat apps seems...

How to Force Restart the Galaxy S7 Edge

A few days after the Galaxy S7 Edge was released, there were already several owners that complained about a situation that many of you know so well. Some downloaded apps keep crashing and this also makes the system crash, the...

How to Remove Galaxy S7 Flipboard Briefing

One question I asked myself about Samsung is why the company insists to add the annoying Flipboard/Briefing page on the home screen. The story is not at all a new one, but on the contrary, Samsung has this My Magazine feature on...

How to Enjoy Backup in Android Marshmallow

The truth is that there are so many users who don’t know that Google only backed up some settings and not the app data, until Android Lollipop. In such a case, the only solution left was to use third-party apps...

How to Install TWRP 3.0 on Samsung Galaxy S7

Recently, TWRP recovery got updated with material designed to TWRP 3.0.0. This means that you can get the latest TWRP 3.0.0 on your Galaxy S7 and don’t say that this is not what you have in mind! By default your...

Enjoy App Standby in Android 6.0

You are probably aware of the fact that some of your apps are still active even when you close the app. They still periodically check network status, push notifications and sync with the server, draining the battery’s limited juice. Why...